Thursday, October 31, 2019

Xray Crystallography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Xray Crystallography - Research Paper Example With the advancement in technology and discovery of X-rays, crystallographers found a powerful source of obtaining complete information about any type of crystal. With a wavelength of the order of 1010, comparable to that of the diameter of an atom, X-rays have the ability to penetrate into the crystal and get diffracted by atom, ions or molecules in their way. With the discovery of this technique in 1940s, the scientists used the specific wave-particle nature of X-rays to determine the arrangement of the constituent specie in a crystal. Crystal and its pattern: Crystal is a three dimensional pattern obtained by the repetition of unit cell, the smallest possible, arranged volume of any crystalline solid. In crystals, the atoms, ions or molecule (the constituent species) are held into their orderly arranged positions by inter atomic, inter ionic or inter molecular forces respectively. The scientists were searching for a way to determine the pattern of their arrangement. Once the patte rn could be known, all the other information about the substance was easy to get. Crystals were not studied, deeply, until the 17th century. â€Å"Crystal symmetry was first investigated experimentally by Nicolas Steno (1669), who showed that the angles between the faces are the same in every exemplar of a particular type of crystal, and by Rene Just Hauy (1784), who discovered that every face of a crystal can be described by simple stacking patterns of blocks of the same shape and size.† (â€Å"X-ray Crystallography. Wikipedia†)... Only X-rays have the ability to penetrate into a crystal and determine the three dimensional pattern by getting diffracted by the constituent particles. The technique of X-ray Crystallography: X-ray Crystallography uses a focused X-ray beam to reveal the structure of a crystal. X-rays strike the particles in a crystal and spread into many specific directions. Censors present around the crystal then cense the angle of diffraction and the strength of the beam reaching them. The pattern produced by the diffraction of X-rays through the closely spaced lattice of atoms is recorded and analyzed to reveal the structure of the crystal. The very basic fact exploited by this technique is that X-rays are diffracted by crystals. With the invention of this technique, Crystallography was completely revolutionized and improved. X-rays and their production: â€Å"X-rays are electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between about 0.02 A and 100 A (1A = 10-10meters).† (Nelson) They are produce d when electrons from a cathode strike the electrons in the inner shells of transition elements. As these electrons are hit, the energy from moving electrons is transferred to them. Thus, these electrons excite and during de-excitation, these electrons emit radiations of high energy, whose wavelength lies in the invisible region of electromagnetic spectrum. These high energy, less wavelength possessing waves can penetrate into most of the crystals. X-ray Diffraction and Bragg’s law: As X-rays hit a row of particles in a crystal, they are diffracted. Actually, the diffraction is the interaction of separate waves of X-ray beam. It can be considered as the reflection of X-ray beam from the row of constituent particles that are arranged in a crystal. There are

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Final Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final - Research Paper Example Erik Erikson and his Psychosocial Theory Erikson was viewed to be ‘the most important’ person to have contributed in knowing some of the developments in the early years of a man’s life. Such significant developments coincide, not just with the physical state of man being perceived as a toddler or an adult, but also with the ability of the toddler or the adult to think and act based on what a toddler, or an adult thinks. He believed that in every action man makes corresponds to an inert thinking, which was influenced by some events that had happened in the past and the culture where one belongs (Berk, 2006, p. 18; Douvan, 1997, p. 15). A prominent psychoanalyst just like Erikson, Sigmund Freud was the one who first initiated the whole idea into a study and made a point that such developments were basically driven by one’s hidden and innate pleasures that are then guided with the rationality of thinking when one becomes mature, and also by the so-called †Å"conscience† being the man’s highest thinking capability (Berk, 2006, p. 17). Consequently, Erikson’s psychosocial theory emerged when he intently thought that although Freud was correct with his notion about motivating the occurrence of man’s significant developments, those motivating factors Freud had pointed out, for Erikson, are not enough. Erikson, in his theory, had stressed the presence of a â€Å"positive† motivation, coining that it is not just the man’s sense of right or wrong, or his/her innate pleasures as a way for changes to occur, but an individual is driven to change because everyone must contribute something to the society (Berk, 2006, p. 18). The Strengths and Limitation of Psychosocial Theory Being psychoanalytic in nature, psychosocial theory suggests that to know two contrasting ideas present in every period of man’s development and identify which of the ideas are suited to the person, based on some past events, c an actually determine possible reasons why a person is acting that way or is thinking such, a strength powerful enough for a society to understand the people that it comprises (Berk, 2006, p. 19; Capps, 2012, p. 270). If Freud had identified a gradual change from birth to adolescence, it was Erikson who had pointed out such observation of Freud until the old age, making Erikson the first one to pinpoint the â€Å"lifespan† of man (Berk, 2006, p. 18). To know what one has felt when he/she was still a baby and predict the feeling when he/she gets old are part of the process of viewing one’s lifespan, another strength noteworthy to be inculcated in the hearts of people since knowing how one had lived life can lead to improving oneself. With the theory’s strengths come also its limitations. According to many authors (e.g. Cairns, 1998; Thomas, 2000; Westen & Gabbard, 1999) who have proven the point of Berk (2006), Erikson’s theory is limited to only identifyi ng the value, i.e., choosing whether a person had demonstrated â€Å"initiative† in carrying out a task when he/she was a toddler or had been guilty towards the task, and is â€Å"vague† for individuals who are interested in psychoanalysis to assess the stated values through experiments (p. 19). It is also not reliable in terms of getting numerical data (Prelinger & Zimet,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Challenges Of The Hr Specialist Management Essay

Challenges Of The Hr Specialist Management Essay As a HR specialist, what are the challenges you may face and what HR intervention mechanisms would you consider using in an attempt to drive individual and organisational performance in a multinational company? Critically evaluate this question by utilising the appropriate academic literatures. This thesis proposed the challenges of the HR specialist when there engage in attempt of increasing the individual and organisational performances in Multinational Companies through developing a set of coherent HRM best practices, especially relating to employee recruitment and selection, performance management and staff retention. Since the organizations are multinational number of concerns are arises such as dealing cultural issues with the organizational goals as well as individual goals. Furthermore organizational behaviors and tools such as engagement, motivation and empowerment are basically highlighted; without those it is merely a dream to achieving the business goals. Basically Multinational companies are aiming profits and there for individual and organisational performance are very vital for their existence. HR has been organized in a different ways over the years. Some functions have emphasized delivery by location or by business structure. In these models an integrated HR team has serviced managers and employees at specific location or with in specific businesses units, with some more strategic or complex tasks reserved for the corporate centre. The degree to which these different arms of HR were centralized or co-located and the question of whether they were managed by the business unit varied. Within the HR teams, depending up on their size their might have been specialization by work area (especially for industrial relations in the 1960s and 1970s) or by employee grade or group (responsibility, say, divided between those looking after clerical staff from those covering production) The advancement of personal management starts around end of the 19th century, when welfare officers came in to being. This creation was a reaction to the harshness of industrial conditions, coupled with pr essure arising from the extention of the franchise, the influence of the trade unions and the labour movement and the campaigning of enlightened employers, often quakers, for what was called industrial betterment. (CIPD Research Role of HR) Personal Management(PM) is mainly concerned with obtaining, organizing and motivating the human resources required by the corporation (ARMSTRONG, Michael, 1977) PM includes a range of activities which deals with the workforce other than the resources and also more administrative in nature. HRM deals with soft issues rather than administrative tasks of personnel management and explain a wide vision of how management would like the resources to organise to the success of the organization. Becker and Gerhart (1996) and Wright,Dunford and Snell (2001) have concluded that although the traditional view as HR acost to be minimised (Becker Gerart,1996:779)is being challenged by the rise of strategic HRM, the conventional view is still prevalent in the professional domain. Wright, Dunford and Snell(2001)expand on this by stating that the HR function hasconsistently faced a battle in justifying its position in organisations (Wright,Dunford Snell 2001:701) and during times of economic hardship, the HR function is usually the first function to feel the full effect of organisational streamlining and cost cutting efforts. There are various models exists to explain the peoples role in an organization. The business oriented approach to people management described by Storey (1989) as Hard HRM emerged as a method of responding to and supporting the enterprise culture of the 1980s. Hard HRM and Soft HRM are two contrasting styles that helps to tackle workforce in an organization. Hard HRM mainly focused on achieving organisational goals while Soft HRM deals with more insightful functions like Human Resource Education, Leadership Development, Organization Culture, Relationship building while the achieving organisational goals. More recently the importance of involving and developing people which is characteristic of current approchches to personal management has been emphasized by the resource based theory of the firm formulated by Barney(1991). This explains that competitive advantage is achieved if a firm can obtain and develop human resources which enable it to learn faster and apply its learning more effectively than its competitors. An approach based on this concept will aim to improve resource capability(Kamoche,1996)achieving strategic fit between resources and opportunities and obtaining added value from the effective deployment of these resources.(The name has changed but has the game remained same, Armstrong) Ulrich described how HR practitioners employ in a set of roles defined along two axes: strategy versus operations and process versus people. The four key roles that become known from these two dimensions are Strategic partner, Administrative Expert, Employee Champion, Change agent. Strategic Partners help to successfully accomplish business strategy and meet customer needs. Administrative Experts continuously improve organisational efficiency by reengineering the HR function and other work process. Employee Champions maximize employee commitment and capability while Change Agent delivers organisational transformation and culture change. (CIPD Resarch Of HR, 2007) There have been considerable tensions around the conceptualizations of roles and how the work of Ulrich and others has been interpreted. According to Ashton and Lambert (2005),while Ulrichs original four roles have been influential, whether and how they are put in to practice varies. (The changing HR functions) There are some organizations where HR is seen as a central, corporate function with little advancement to business units. Some other organizations position themselves in the opposite direction, with a very small corporate centre and all the activity distributed to business units. The question of best structure is how the function best organizes itself between the pulls of centralization and the pushes of decentralization.(The changing HR functions) The HR assumptions and HR practices observed in high performing firms are the key elements to the formation of the Best Practice theory. Employment security, selective hiring, self managed teams, high pay contingent on company performance, extensive training, reduction of status difference, and sharing information are the key element of the theory. However less concern about the organisational goals and culture are given as draw backs for the theory. According to the best fit theory a firms that follows a cost leadership strategy designs narrow jobs and provides little job security, whereas a company pursuing a differentiation strategy emphasizes training and development. In other words this argues that all SHRM activities must be consistent with each other and linked to the strategic objectives of the business. Selective hiring of new employees are greatly support to achieve both individual and organisational performance. Recruitment and selection is more or less subjective in its nature, with the objectives of any given business at the forefront of process. To select the best fit there is no specific way. It is clear that combining techniques greatly increases accuracy. The combination of intelligence test or work sampling leads to a substantial improvement in validity (Shmidt and Hunter(1998)). Comprehensive recruitment and selection policy will be enable an organization to become competitive with in the market and also, with right people in the right place at the right time, will lead to a high performing culture with in the organization while adding extra value to the organisation. The main focus of Employee Recruitment is to generate a pool of appropriate candidates for the selection process. This to be carried out in cost effective way and while remain in lawfull. Organizations can de cide whether to select externally or internally. Internal recruitment may not always be beneficial. Ex: no one suitable or stagnation. Best way is to recruit both internally and externally (Torrington, Hall Taylor, 2008). But many organisations prefer to look to recruit internally first especially when this represents a promotion (Newall Shackleton, 2000) To select the best fit there is no specific way. It is clear that combining techniques greatly increases accuracy , the combination of intelligence tests with structured interview, integrity test or work sampling leads to a substantial improvement in validity (Schmidt Hunter (1998).) At the interview stage attitude based competencies should give more priority in order to select the best candidate. In addition during the recruiting and selection process psychological contract between employer and the employee is distinct and specify. According to the report Engaging for Success: enhancing performance through employee engagement,engaged employees have a sence of personal attachment to their work and organization; they are motivated and able to give of their best to help it succeed and from that flows a series of tangible benefits for organization and individual alike'(Macleod Clarke 2009:7) HRM uses various technologies to direct employees behavior towards objectives and tasks that deliver approved organisational performance. Many organizations try to frame these levers with an overall performance management system, and attach incentives and rewards to achievements of objectives and targets within this. In recent years PM has become massively popular. The basic idea was to fix behavior to targets and attach financial rewards. Howe ever performance related pay was not always introduced for the best reason; there was a preoccupation with defining measures to which individual rewards could be attached and the connection with performance was often tenuous (IPM/IMS, 1992) For many line managers PM is still means no more than the appraisal process and it seen as time consuming, bureaucratic, paper driven and top down with little reference to organisational performance and goals.(Egan,1995) Despite significant efforts to present performance management as a systemic process and to raise managers sights (eg.Armstrong,1994;Hartle, 1995) many fundamental problems remain. A PMS may, indeed, support employee development, but this is often undermined by number of problems, among the most important which are, The link between individual behavior and business objectives, Defining and aligning objectives, Motivation theory and managers own assumptions and beliefs, Performance management as a management process, The impact on the employment relationship etc.. A analysis of above issues highlights fundamental questions about performance linkages and how rewards are attached to these and how the motivation to control unnecessarily and inappropriately vitiates the design of rewards and incentives.(Human Resource Management Journal, vol 10-No-3) In addition people performance is vitiated by the obsession with control and therefore is liable to undermine, rather than contribute to, performance. It should only be done within a context of strict attention to corporate business objectives and limited number of specific improvement goals. Engagement is a crucial organisational tool that can generate both individual and organisational performance and can be defined as a set of positive attitudes and behaviors enabling high job performance of kind which are in tune with the organization mission'(Storey, Wright Ulrich 2008) Recent research concluded that there are 3 broad groups of employees. Engaged (loyal, productive, would recommend their organization to friends) , Non-engaged (productive but not bonded, tempted by job vacancies, instrumental, focus on hours JDs), Disengaged (physically present but psychologically absent, negative, uncooperative, hostile, uninvolved) (Buckingham (2001) What a waste PM October) We can perhaps distinguish between two types of employee turnover: Functional vs Dysfunctional turnover functional turnover serves to promoted ideas and methods and can thus renew a stagnating organisation (Carrell et al, 1995, 177). According to Hom and Griffeth (1995), functional turnover is more common than dysfunctional: In addition, high turnover is often less troubling in relatively low skill occupations; especially customer-service related ones (fast-food restaurants, telesales, etc). Kearns (1994) suggests this is because organisations want to harness short-term enthusiasm. Thus, empl oyee turnover may not be a bad thing, however, there is likely to be a point beyond which it is unhealthy. Taylor (2008) suggests this is a rate of 5-10%. The more valuable the employee to the organisation, the more damaging the resignation especially if he/she chooses to work for a competitor Indirect concerns/costs include:-Productivity losses,Impaired quality of service,Lost business opportunities, An increased administrative burden,Employee demoralisation Direct costs include: Recruitment costs (advertising, admin, etc),Induction/training costs,Other admin costs associated with new hires,Overtime/ cost of temporary workers,Reduced productivity during induction Taylor (2008)-The employee turnover decisi Evaluate existing job, Experience job dissatisfaction, Think of quitting, Evaluate expected utility of search for new job and cost of quitting, Decide to search for alternatives, Search for alternatives, Evaluate alternatives, Compare best alternative with present job, Decide whether to stay or quit, Quit on process Mobley(1977), ten stage model. There are ways to investigate why employees leave from the organisation.,Exit interviews (89%)Anon. exit questionnaires (28%),Word of mouth (25%),Extrapolate from staff attitude surveys (23%),Exit interviews external consultant used (2%),Surveys of ex-employees (rare) (CIPD survey 2009) Following ways are considered as most effective way to address staff retention.Realistic job previews, Job e nrichment, Workspace characteristics (environment), Induction practices, Leader-member exchange, Employee selection, Reward practices, Demographic diversity,Managing inter-role conflict (Hom Griffeth, 1995) Multinational Corporation has its facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its home country. Such companies have offices and factories in different countries and usually have a centralized head office. Nearly all dominant multinationals are American, Japanese, or Western European such as Nike, Coca-cola, Wal- Mart, AOL, Toshiba, Honda and BMW. MNCs may take any of four forms: a decentralized that has a strong home-country presence; a global and centralized corporation that can acquire a cost advantage through centralized production; an international company that builds on the parent companys technology or research and development; or a transnational enterprise that combines all three of these approaches. In the modern world the capabilities and the knowledge incorporated in an organisations human resources are the key to performance. So on both the cost and benefit sides of the equation, HRM is crucial to the survival, performance and success of the enterprise. For MNCs, the additional complications of dealing with multicultural assumptions about the way people should be managed and differing institutional constraints become important contributors to the chances of that success. A culture is a set of basic tacit assumptions about how the world is and ought to be that a group of people share and that determines their perceptions, thoughts, feelings and to some degree, their overt behavior. Culture manifests itself at three levels. The level of deep tacit assumptions that are the essence of the culture, the level of espoused values that often reflect what a group wishes ideally to be and the way it wants to present it self publicly and the day to day behavior that represents a complex compromise among the espoused value, the deeper assumptions, and the immediate requirements of the situation. (1996)(Sloan Management Review/fall 1996) Geert Hofstedes theory of cultural dimensions describes the effects of a societys culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. The theory has been widely used in several fields as a paradigm for research, particularly in cross-cultural psychology, international management, and cross-cultural communication. The original theory proposed four dimensions along which cultural values could be analyzed: individualism-collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; power distance (strength of social hierarchy) and masculinity-femininity. (task orientation versus person-orientation) With compared to UK Asian countries characterized by high power distance and week uncertainty avoidance. The HRM approach in Asia generally accepted as being humanists rather than materialistic. Therefore MNCs in Asia focus much concentration on personal growth and development of employees. In return for an organization creating opportunities, employees reciprocate with increased commitment and lower levels of absenteeism and turn over. (Ayree, Chen and Budhwar,2004) In European context highly focus on Individualism and masculine with low power distance and week uncertainty avoidance Hofstede,1980). Performance Appraisal Systems (PAS) basically aimed towards being achieving individual-level targets for employees and preparing cutting edges to identifying performance ratings for rewards. Individualism is more common in western cultures unlike Asian culture is more parental. Therefore western HR practice may be not measured the required standards in Asian MNC employees performance if it not ideally matched for the cultural and organisational targets. However some argues that the world is becoming more globalised, all aspects of business and HRM are becoming more alike which indicate the convergence divergence debate. In conclusion there is evidence to suggest that including the practice out line within this thesis organisational behaviours and tools can used to drive organisational and individual performance in Multinational companies. It is essential to have suitable recruitment and selection process, Performance Appraisal System and Staff Retention plan to ensure the right people, In the right place, at the right time with right attitude. Training and development is also vital to improve HR performance. In addition HR Specialists role will be more specific when these techniques applying in to multi cultural environments where people perceptions and behavioral patterns are different from each other.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Cousin Marshall and the Role of Responsibility, Charity, and Suffering

‘Cousin Marshall’ and the Role of Responsibility, Charity, and Suffering Harriet Martineau, in her story â€Å"Cousin Marshall,† addressed the separate spheres of work and responsibility between a husband and wife in the figures of the Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Marshall. Martineau intended the story to act as a lesson to her readers and this is reflected in the dualistic portrayal of the two women. Cousin Marshall is portrayed as the height of womanly responsibility and suffering while Mrs. Bell is portrayed as a blight on society. Martineau assigned the financial management of the household to women. While she did indicate that it was the husband’s role to bring in wages, it was the wife who was responsible for maintaining and managing the expenses of the household. Mrs. Bell turns away her sister’s children after their mother dies saying â€Å"don’t expect me to put any such dead weight on my husband’s neck† (Martineau 11). Marshall objects with the fact that Bell’s â€Å"husband earns better wages than [hers]† (11). In this exchange, Martineau places the decision within the context of the respective families’ financial concerns. The issue of charity arises in Marshall’s discussion with Mrs. Bell. â€Å"You have found the gentry very kind to you this year; so much so that I think the least you can do is to keep these children from being a burden on the rates† (Martineau 12). The particular phrasing that Martineau selects here is of particular interest. Her objection is not one of sympathy for the children but to prevent them from â€Å"being a burden on the rates† (12). If sent to the workhouse, Martineau argued, it would fall upon the state to support the children, raising the rates that good, hardworking people pay, often to their... ...dissolute to mock at those who prize independence, and who bind themselves to self-denial that they may practice charity. (129) Thus, it is the woman’s responsibility not only to live responsibly, but live by example in a role of quiet victimization. Martineau clearly had a strong political agenda in writing this story, however in doing so, she addresses the fundamental difference she sees in the roles of responsibility in marriage. In her mind, the husband and the wife have clearly defined roles, not so much along lines of production, but rather in terms of the household. That which is in the household, whether it is the domestic duties or financial responsibility, falls to the wife while it is the husband who is responsible for the income stream. Work Cited Martineau, H. Illustrations of Political Economy No. VIII. London: Charles Fox, 1832.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Internal Control Essay

4. Organisation background Inkwell Limited is a manufacturer of re-cycle inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges. Inkwell Limited printer cartridge is widely applicable. The main commercial focus is on strong retail market that demand cheaper and greener products Inkwell Ltd has a couple of small main suppliers that produce 4.1 Inkwell Limited is a limited company, established in 2003. The head office and Warehouse is based in Birmingham West Midland. 4.2 Their business model is to offer a part exchange facility whereby customer either post used cartridge to the company’s on the line shop or physically take them onto one of over 60 shops in the company’s chain that are situated in all major UK cities, and many large towns. If customers do bring their old cartridge in they are then given a 10% discount against the cost of a replacement cartridge. 4.3 Its mains mission is to save customers money by not compromising quality and at the same time help ensure a greener environmental future by better use of inkjet and toner cartridge. 4.3 Inkwell is a company, mainly owned by shareholders. The managing director own the most numbers of share, while both the sale director and the finance director own equal shares. 4.4 The three directors and the company accountant are the main decision makers in the company with the help of managers and supervisors. 4.5 The shop managers are responsible for their own staff by preparing rotas and ensuring adequate staff coverage for all of the opening hours of their shop. 4.6 Finance, Marketing and Sales are the main departments In Appendix a there are a organisation Chart. 5. Structure and Function of the accounting System at Inkwell See Appendix a for Organisation Chart 5.1 Inkwell is a ‘tall’ structure company. They are different levels of people, each level is control by the level above. This very common of such a big organisation where each level is centralised. 5.2 The accounting function is a small section of Inkwell Limited. It consist of Anil Gupta as the Finance Director who his fully responsible for all finance, legal and accounting procedures and systems. This in tail producing the company annual report, dealing with all banking and finance issues. Michael O’Panye the Company Accountant, who’s duties are producing the monthly management report, approving all payments to suppliers. However his main role is to manage the work of the accounting technicians and clerks. 5.3 Alex Fox, account technician compiling this report, have worked for Inkwell for the past 6 months reviewing the company’s systems and procedures pin pointing any recommend charges where needed. The main duties that’s covered within the account department by others consist of sales and purchase ledger entries, preparing supplier’s payment, payment allocation, cash book entry, petty cash summary, cost analyst, bank reconciliation, payroll run and personal data up keep. 6. Weakness and finding of the current system 6.1 A SWOT analysis has been carried out on the current accounting function in Inkwell showing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat (Appendix – ) From the SWOT analysis it can be seen that there are the following key weaknesses in the payroll process. 6.2 System Integration – Whiles the payroll is integrated with the personnel data system, allowing them to talk to one another, information could be sent from one application to the other, it is not been used to its full potential due to time consuming caused by lack of experience and knowledge 6.3 Hourly paid – The weekly hourly paid staff pay is calculated manually from a weekly rota prepared by the shop manager’s. This situation is not ideal its open to mistakes and potential to fraud. By simply installing online time clock terminals lets managers control where employees clock in/out from by setting up specific time clock locations and shift planning’s web-based time clock software gets rid of the need for expensive stand-alone equipment while streamlining the process of time sheet management allowing the payroll clerk to take work data direct to payroll. 6.4 Time Management – The payroll clerk is responsible for managing a weekly payroll Including calculating overtime worked and sales commission for over 60 shops, two separate monthly payrolls (the total employee is around 180) issues all statutory forms required by HMRC, and the annual tax returns, updating and maintaining the personnel database. Managing a vast work load is very difficult and any possible ways of improving the processes to make them more efficient should be taken advantage of. By installing an online time clock terminal can allow mangers to plan shifts automatically. It reduce the time spent calculating individual time sheets and allow the payroll clerk the information direct to payroll. 6.5 Knowledge – The payroll clerk is responsible for the both the payroll and the personnel database which is integrated. As the payroll clerk only had one-day in house intensive training course on the system therefore the payroll found it difficult to get to grips with both the payroll and the personnel data system after just one day’s of training. By the company supplying training, the payroll clerk can perform more efficient and feel more confident. 6.6 Commission – All sales staff and shop managers earn a commission of 2% each on the first  £4000.00 of sales per month, and 5% on any sales over that figure, this is based on for each shop rather than the individual. Inkwell Ltd have over 60 shops, with 3 or 4 employee per shop with annual turnover of 16 million pound would suggest the average amount per shop per week is  £5,128.00. Every shop staff including managers would be paid commission each month 6.7 These four factors outline the main problems affecting the accounting function payroll. The commission to all shop staff is one of most obvious cost effective that could be saved each month, due to weekly intake’s from each shop over  £5,000.00. Not only would Inkwell save a great deal of money which in turn could be sent on other things such as improving the performance of the accounting system. 6.8 Cutting the commission to just individual per shop would mean also the Less time spent preparing the figures for bonuses, more hours gain to do other Things

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Best Convention Venue in Singapore

Being the main convention venue in Singapore, the Sands Expo and Convention Center has held more than 700 events in its first year of opening. With its construction, the Sands is a turning point in Singapore’s MICE industry. While the Singaporean government heavily positions the destination to be a tourism and event hub, thanks to this concrete stepping stone, Singapore has successfully climbed up the ranks to second on the â€Å"Top international meeting countries† list according to UIA (2010). With this honor, Marina Bay Sands is definitely an important attraction that could not be missed. Secret of Marina Bay Sands: perfect locationAs the biggest MICE facility in Singapore, the Sands Expo and Convention Center locates only approximately 20 minutes from the Changi International Airport and 10 minutes from the city center, which makes good connectivity to be one of its strengths. As location is a crucial determinant to whether a convention center can be successful or n ot, proximity to city center and airport give valid reasons for the Sands to be one of the best locations for convention. Diversified infrastructure adds value to the convention center What impress me the most are the infrastructure and environmental elements in the Marina Bay Sands complex.To be a successful convention center, these two elements serve as other crucial determinants and the Sands Expo and Convention Center has fully displayed its strength in these aspects. While the convention center locates within the complex of Marina Bay Sands, on the way to Marina Bay Sands, one would pass one of the most historical accommodations in Singapore – the Fullerton. The historical feeling starts a wonderful journey into the Marina Bay Sands. Not to mention the iconic landmark of the three-tower design with a ship on top of the Sands Hotel and the lotus-like ArtScience Museum which adds ultural essence to the area, the SkyPark on top of the 57 storey-high building is another magn ificent location for special events. Imagine hosting a cocktail party after a long day of convention located directly opposite to the complex of hotel building, the SkyGarden gives delegates a chance to embrace a panorama view of the whole city of Singapore. This sensational experience would surely impresses and stays in the hearts of every delegate. The Sands also satisfy the green conscious new generation by surrounded by lots of green trees and grassland, the sustainable greenery also steps from the whole image of Singapore.While Marina Bay Sands provides stunning views of the water, first class attractions, relaxed atmosphere, tasteful accommodation and a state-of-art convention center, what more can we ask for? The Sands Expo and Convention Center has strategically located in a perfect area of Singapore and with its outstanding design and comprehensive infrastructure, it has all the things MICE development is looking for, no wonder Singapore could be the â€Å"Top Internationa l meeting City† (UFI, 2011). I would be very proud if Hong Kong could develop such mega integrated resort combined with attractions, hotels and landmark.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Plane That Crashed Into the Empire State Building

Plane That Crashed Into the Empire State Building On the foggy morning of Saturday, July 28, 1945, Lt. Colonel William Smith was piloting a U.S. Army B-25 bomber through New York City when he crashed into the Empire State Building  at 9:45 a.m, killing 14 people. Fog Lt. Colonel William Smith  was on his way to Newark Airport to pick up his commanding officer, but for some reason, he showed up over LaGuardia Airport and asked for a weather report. Because of the poor visibility, the LaGuardia tower wanted him to land, but Smith requested and received permission from the military to continue on to Newark. The last transmission from the LaGuardia tower to the plane was a foreboding warning: From where Im sitting, I cant see the top of the Empire State Building. Avoiding Skyscrapers Confronted with dense fog, Smith dropped the bomber low to regain visibility, where he found himself in the middle of Manhattan, surrounded by skyscrapers. At first, the bomber was headed directly for the New York Central Building (now called the Helmsley Building) but at the last minute, Smith was able to bank west and miss it. Unfortunately, this put him in line for another skyscraper. Smith managed to miss several skyscrapers until he was headed for the Empire State Building. At the last minute, Smith tried to get the bomber to climb and twist away, but it was too late. The Crash At 9:49 a.m., the ten-ton, B-25 bomber smashed into the north side of the Empire State Building. The majority of the plane hit the 79th floor, creating a hole in the building 18 feet wide and 20 feet high. The planes high-octane fuel exploded, hurtling flames down the side of the building and inside through hallways and stairwells all the way down to the 75th floor. World War II had caused many to shift to a six-day work week; thus there were many people at work in the Empire State Building that Saturday. The plane crashed into the offices of the War Relief Services of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Catherine OConnor described the crash: The plane exploded within the building. There were five or six seconds- I was tottering on my feet trying to keep my balance- and three-quarters of the office was instantaneously consumed in this sheet of flame. One man was standing inside the flame. I could see him. It was a co-worker, Joe Fountain. His whole body was on fire. I kept calling to him, Come on, Joe; come on, Joe. He walked out of it. Joe Fountain died several days later. Eleven of the office workers were burned to death, some still sitting at their desks, others while trying to run from the flames. Damage From the Crash One of the engines and part of the landing gear hurtled across the 79th floor, through wall partitions and two firewalls, and out the south walls windows to fall onto a 12-story building across 33rd Street. The other engine flew into an elevator shaft and landed on an elevator car. The car began to plummet, slowed somewhat by emergency safety devices. Miraculously, when help arrived at the remains of the elevator car in the basement, the two women inside the car were still alive. Some debris from the crash fell to the streets below, sending pedestrians scurrying for cover, but most fell onto the buildings setbacks on the fifth floor. The bulk of the wreckage, however, remained stuck in the side of the building. After the flames were extinguished and the remains of the victims removed, the rest of the wreckage was removed through the building. Death Toll The plane crash killed 14 people (11 office workers and the three crewmen) plus injured 26 others. Though the integrity of the Empire State Building was not affected, the cost of the damage done by the crash was $1 million. Sources Goldman, Jonathan. The Empire State Building Book. Paperback, St Martins Pr, 1856.Tauranac, John. The Empire State Building: The Making of a Landmark. Paperback, 1 edition, Cornell University Press, March 25, 2014.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Poseidon essays

Poseidon essays Poseidon, according to Greek mythology was the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. He also held his own appointed position among the great gods on Olympus. Although he was officially one of the supreme gods of Mount Olympus, he spent most of his time in his watery domain. He was master not only of the sea but also of the lakes and rivers. In a sense the earth belonged to him, since his waters sustained it and he could shake it at will. He was the son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and the brother of Zeus and Hades. Poseidon was the husband of Amphitrite, who was one of the Nereids. They had son who they named Triton. Poseidon also had numerous other love affairs especially with nymps of spring and fountains. He was the father of several children famed for their cruelty and wildness, among them the giant Orion and the Cyclops Polyphmus. Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa were the parents of the famous winged horse, Pegasus. Poseidon was a national god of the Ionians of the Peloponnese, who brought him with them when they immigrated from Asia, and was particularly worshipped in this part of Greece. In Sparta he was even called Genethlios, meaning the creator. His worship was spread throughout Greece, especially in maritime towns. The horse, the symbol of gushing springs, and the bull were sacred animals to Poseidon. In classical artwork, Poseidon very much resembles Zeus. He has a similar majesty with his bare chest, grasping his trident. He also has a long beard and is usually pictured with a dolphin at his side. Poseidon had a prominent part in numerous ancient myths and legends. When Zeus fought the Titans And the Giants, Poseidon fought at his side and the giant Polybutes by hurling at him a fragment of cliff torn from the island of Cos, which became the islet of Nisyros. After the victory the heritage was divided into three parts, Zeus took the vast heavens, Hades took the murky underworld, and Poseidon obtained ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Job Search Strategies from Recruiters

10 Job Search Strategies from Recruiters When it comes to tapping into best practices in the job search process, recruiters tend to be experts. Therefore, even if you’re not working directly with recruiters in your job search, it’s advisable to pay attention to what they are saying! This week I’ve compiled advice from recruiters that I recommend you follow. It could make the difference between being employed and remaining in job search mode. When you invite a recruiter to connect on LinkedIn, don’t use the generic â€Å"I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.† In fact, whenever you connect with anyone, personalize it and provide value. See Recruiter: Stop making this mistake on LinkedIn. Craft your LinkedIn profile to contain the best / most relevant key words, job titles and industry names. Recruiters and hiring managers spend significant time sourcing prospects on LinkedIn and you must key your profile to the searches they are performing. See Recruiters Reveal Their Secrets. Tailor your resume. You must at least appear as if you have a target and are sticking with it. If you have two targets, tailor a resume to each. See What Recruiters Want Candidates to Know and 100 Job Search Tips from Fortune 500 Recruiters. Write a cover letter that helps the recruiter or hiring manager envision you in the open position. Technical recruiters might not read cover letters, but recruiters in other industries do. See Recruiters Reveal Their Secrets. Apply for jobs you are qualified for. Look at the job description carefully; if you can’t state examples in your resume of how you have already succeeded in the required duties for the position, you are probably not a fit. See What Recruiters Want Candidates to Know. Prepare for your interview by researching the company and having specific examples of your accomplishments and previous experience at your fingertips. You *will* be asked for examples of how you approached situations in the past! See What Recruiters Want Candidates to Know. Write a thank you note- and send it by email in addition to snail mail! One candidate snail mailed a note, but someone else emailed a thank you which arrived at the employer’s office before the snail mail; guess who got the job? See Recruiters Reveal Their Secrets. Don’t make typos!! See Recruiters Reveal Their Secrets and What Recruiters Want Candidates to Know. Network, network and network! See 100 Job Search Tips from Fortune 500 Recruiters. Tell the truth. Getting caught in a misrepresentation, including a â€Å"harmless embellishment,† will kill your chances of getting a job. See 100 Job Search Tips from Fortune 500 Recruiters. All of the above tips are in line with what a resume writer or job search coach will tell you but isn’t it great to hear it from people with decades of recruitment experience? If you said yes, you might want some more tips from this valuable source. Thankfully, they’re not that hard to find. For a wealth of advice from recruiters on how to succeed in the job search, I recommend 100 Job Search Tips from Fortune 500 Recruiters. Did you learn anything? Did you get confirmation that you’re doing something right? Please share in the comments!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

William Blake's The Chimney Sweeper intends to change the mind and Essay

William Blake's The Chimney Sweeper intends to change the mind and hearts of its readers. Explain how this might be supposed to work upon the consciousness and conscience of Blake's contemporaries - Essay Example Blake’s major poems are represented in two collections: Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. First collection of poems has many similar images of children, besides it presents many religious and social themes. The name of the collection implies that the themes and issues are present from the perspective of a child. The world is shown in the light which is different to the one an adult sees it. In his two collections of poems Blake presents the same themes, but in different lights and from different angles using words ‘innocence’ and ‘experience’ for collections’ titles. On the one hand, the contrast of the issues presented in the two great collections is strikingly vivid. However, on the other hand, the two opposing visions of life are equally important and necessary for better understanding of the wholesome picture of reality. State of innocence is a child’s vision of things and understanding of the world, while state of experience is a mature person’s perception of reality. One cannot be without the other. Two components, child’s innocence and adult’s experience, put together can create a wholesome picture of the reality and the world we live in. The poet makes his best to present all the truth of life through contrasting images of his two complementary collections of poems (Gallant 124). Blake’s intent ion is to change reader’s mind for the better by identifying evils and corruptions present in English society. He makes his contemporaries think of the reality they live in and perceive it objectively and adequately. Songs of Innocence is the representation of childhood and naivetà © it entails. Blake’s poem The Chimney Sweeper is one of the poems published in Songs of Innocence (1789). The poem contains all the hopes, fears, and naivetà © altogether a child might experience, especially during the time when child labor was such

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ec 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ec 4 - Essay Example These two definitions are summarized as historical genesis and current utility. This presents a dilemma of incorporating distinct criteria of current utility and historical genesis under a single phrase. Biologists have failed to to acknowledge the confusion between these two distinct definitions for they tend to observe natural selection as a dominant evolutionary progression, making the historical process and the current utility seem as combined (Gould & Vrba 7). An outstanding instance of how linking these two definitions has caused misunderstanding is Darwins’ and Williams’ failure to label the infused sutures as adaptation since they were not built by selection to function as they do in mammals (Gould & Vrba 7). Williams calls this feature as an accidental effect that aids in the survival of mammals and not an adaptation. Nonetheless, these biologists failed to give the features that develop as a result of fitness to a current role a name (Gould & Vrba 7-9). Since the new features that develop in organisms to aid in the survival of the descen dants re not considered as an adaptation, they develop due to capability and not natural selection and are referred as exaptation. This, then, generates a variance between those features that develop due to natural selection and fitness to a current role. In this case, the mammalian sutures are an exaptation and not adaptation (Gould & Vrba 7-10). Exaptation offers a solution to the dilemma of preadaptation. Evolutionists and biologists have experienced trouble with the concept of preadaptation. Most of them have connected the features that develop to assist in performing a new role as preadaptation. If adaptation were developed for a current use, then structures functioning in a distinct and subsequent way cannot be preadaptations. In this case, preadaptation has been associated with indeterminate teology. Teology implies a description of the role of a given

Management . book Hidden value Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management . book Hidden value - Assignment Example Starting employees are usually young, immigrants, or those with the difficulty obtaining work. 66% of those people are usually female. Low wages and low skill indexes are expected, turnover is endemic. Mens Warehouse, however, chose to do things a little differently, which has maintain them as a profitable industry during a time when most of the industry is failing. Mens Warehouse targets the middle income and the fact that men do not like to shop. Their prices are below average and they use a" everyday low pricing strategy". Their philosophy is one of the worldview. They believe they are in the people business and that their companys job is to help people understand others, listen better, and develop excellent skills in order to help themselves and their teammates. In other words they attempt to help each person achieve their potential. Potential include such things as being a better spouse being a better parent and fulfilling their desires at work. With the kind of philosophy that Mens Warehouse has, the training also has to be somewhat different. In this case they have very little training budget. They do however believe in the power of untapped human potential. When they ranked the importance of stakeholders and their company, employees are ranked first. Following employees come customers, vendors, and shareholders. The company believes in promotion from within and all of the senior executives have been with the company a long time. The average tenure is 10 to 15 years. Management development is done through a two layer system. District managers are also trainers. The company has many training and on-site meetings throughout the year, they seldom if ever use any outside training people. They also provide to learning Universities for their employees. In interesting factor is that much of the training is also done by senior executives. Performance management is important to them. They did this through a number of constructive

Blog 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Blog 3 - Essay Example To the contemporary period in which we live in, the two quotes, that is, the Quran verse and the Hadith by Prophet Muhammad play, as they were initially intended, to put greater emphasis on the need for human brotherhood and the practicing of the virtues of goodness of good actions. Essentially human beings are known to have a moral sense of ensuring that they live peacefully amongst themselves and in the current context of the life we live, the Quran verse and the Hadith from the prophet implore us to love each other and help each other (Gauss145-152). The current times are full of various evil deeds propagated by human beings; hence, it would only be essential that brotherhood among human beings is encouraged. As a virtue, the brotherhood will enable one to restrain from doing bad towards another but, only practice good actions (Gauss 102-109). Therefore, this elaborates on the significance of human morality in the former and current

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assesed Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Assesed Assignment - Essay Example RS suggested to AM that the court do not look favourably upon parents who just want to keep on fighting; clearly that sort of behaviour is detrimental to the children. Children’s Wishes and Feelings AM seemed to be of the view that he had a right to see his children; RS explained that contact is always for the benefit of the children – they have the right to contact if it is in their best interests. The CAFCASS officer, Mrs Smith, recorded in her report that the children were mature enough to understand the dispute. Simon and Lily made their decisions clearly and eloquently that they did want to see AM although wished their grandmother to be present throughout contact. They also desire to continue living with their mother. AM believes that his wife has ‘poisoned’ Simon and Lily against him and that is why they have told Mrs Smith that they wish to remain with their mother and have supervised contact. RS explained to AM that this is not the issue – th e child psychologist confirmed that the children have suffered harm. Evidence RS explained that the court will hear AM’s evidence and he will have his say, albeit unrepresented, although the court will also hear from Mrs Morris and the instructed expert’s recommendations. ... The reasons given in the report were that the children are settled with Mrs Morris in their home and at their school. Mrs Smith believes that they may be at risk of harm if they did not live with their mother. AM strongly objected to the suggestion that he had harmed his children. RS drew AM to Mrs Smith’s report where she states that she has seen the evidence in Mrs Morris’ statement, the casualty report, GP report and neighbour`s evidence which all support Mrs Morris’ statement of domestic abuse. This of course, hinges on the issue of the injunction which does not look favourably upon AM. We are confident that we will be able to show that it is in Simon and Lily’s best interests for residence to be granted to Mrs Morris. Contact RS attempted to negotiate a contact arrangement that is in the best interests of the children. RS suggested contact be supervised in accordance with the recommendations within the CAFCASS report, taking into account the childrenà ¢â‚¬â„¢s wishes and feelings. Simon and Lily would be happy with their paternal grandmother being present during contact. RS made AM aware that the Local Authority are stating that they would become involved with the family if the children were to have anything other than supervised contact. RS asked AM if he had any suggestions of his own for contact. He suggested weekends and overnight stays at the weekend. *see below Supervised Contact heading. RS proposed that Mrs Morris take the children to AM’s mother’s house and she will take the children to AM’s house for 3 hours on a Saturday between 1pm and 4pm. AM stated that he would agree if he could pay half of the child support he currently pays and that the injunction

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Is the Study of Past Military Leaders Valid for a Modern Military Essay - 1

Is the Study of Past Military Leaders Valid for a Modern Military Professional - Essay Example Historical studies move from one war to another, bringing out the list of a number of great military leaders who have changed the order of the world through their courage, strategies and heroic deeds. It is interesting to note that the contribution made by strong military leaders to the twists and turns of history are equal or more stable than religious leaders, intellectuals, scientists or philosophers could make. The most powerful political leaders the world has seen do have a military background. Leaders like Frederick the Great, Ulysses Grant, Napoleon, Alexander the Great and Hitler did start their political careers as soldiers or people who served the military. The observation that the â€Å"most influential leaders in world history have come not from the church, the halls of governments, or the scholastic centers but from the ranks of soldiers and sailors† is not an exaggeration. Wars do figure out in the modern world too, reinforcing the need and necessity for the mode rn military professionals to go back to the historical stories of success and failure, defeat and conquest of the past military captains, and learn either from their destruction or achievements. No doubt, warfare over the past 150 years have undergone a lot of changes: the nature of war has changed drastically with the modern man’s access to all types of advanced technological devices, machines and bombs.

Assesed Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Assesed Assignment - Essay Example RS suggested to AM that the court do not look favourably upon parents who just want to keep on fighting; clearly that sort of behaviour is detrimental to the children. Children’s Wishes and Feelings AM seemed to be of the view that he had a right to see his children; RS explained that contact is always for the benefit of the children – they have the right to contact if it is in their best interests. The CAFCASS officer, Mrs Smith, recorded in her report that the children were mature enough to understand the dispute. Simon and Lily made their decisions clearly and eloquently that they did want to see AM although wished their grandmother to be present throughout contact. They also desire to continue living with their mother. AM believes that his wife has ‘poisoned’ Simon and Lily against him and that is why they have told Mrs Smith that they wish to remain with their mother and have supervised contact. RS explained to AM that this is not the issue – th e child psychologist confirmed that the children have suffered harm. Evidence RS explained that the court will hear AM’s evidence and he will have his say, albeit unrepresented, although the court will also hear from Mrs Morris and the instructed expert’s recommendations. ... The reasons given in the report were that the children are settled with Mrs Morris in their home and at their school. Mrs Smith believes that they may be at risk of harm if they did not live with their mother. AM strongly objected to the suggestion that he had harmed his children. RS drew AM to Mrs Smith’s report where she states that she has seen the evidence in Mrs Morris’ statement, the casualty report, GP report and neighbour`s evidence which all support Mrs Morris’ statement of domestic abuse. This of course, hinges on the issue of the injunction which does not look favourably upon AM. We are confident that we will be able to show that it is in Simon and Lily’s best interests for residence to be granted to Mrs Morris. Contact RS attempted to negotiate a contact arrangement that is in the best interests of the children. RS suggested contact be supervised in accordance with the recommendations within the CAFCASS report, taking into account the childrenà ¢â‚¬â„¢s wishes and feelings. Simon and Lily would be happy with their paternal grandmother being present during contact. RS made AM aware that the Local Authority are stating that they would become involved with the family if the children were to have anything other than supervised contact. RS asked AM if he had any suggestions of his own for contact. He suggested weekends and overnight stays at the weekend. *see below Supervised Contact heading. RS proposed that Mrs Morris take the children to AM’s mother’s house and she will take the children to AM’s house for 3 hours on a Saturday between 1pm and 4pm. AM stated that he would agree if he could pay half of the child support he currently pays and that the injunction

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The impact of ICT on the local community Essay Example for Free

The impact of ICT on the local community Essay Introduction I live in the borough of Waltham Forest. Waltham Forest is quite an advanced community in terms of technology. Technology is used for various things, whether to make them more efficient or to provide a better service. Walthamstow is a small town located within Waltham Forest, which also harbours Leyton and Leytonstone. It is located to the North East of London and bordered to the north by Chingford, to the south by Leyton and Leytonstone, to the east by Epping Forest, to the west by Tottenham and the River Lea valley. Walthamstow is identified by the London plan as one of the 35 major centres in Greater London. Walthamstows market is one of the longest daily outdoor markets in Europe and dominates the High Street. There are various shops lined along the high street with some high-end chain brands to several individually opened stalls that specialise in food, fabrics, household goods and other such stuff. The Mall in Selborne Walk is the largest place in the area to find lots of different brand shops selling high-end goods manufactured and produced to the mass public via corporations instead of individual businesses. The individual businesses tend to be all located outside on the high street. The central library has also recently been refurbished and modernised. It was expanded from 2006-2007 to hold a wider range of books to serve to the public and provide a much better service. Walthamstow also contains other things such as post offices, arcades, funfairs, charity events and a variety of different schools. These include the Frederick Bremer School (a coalition formed in 2008 of the two schools Aveling Park and Warwick School for Boys), Forest School, The Holy Family Technology College, Kelmscott School, Walthamstow Academy, Walthamstow School for Girls, Willowfield School and Sir George Monoux College. There is also the Walthamstow Town Hall. The town hall is used for a variety of things, from important council meeting to being rented for other reasons of necessity e.g. during the Muslim holiday, Eid, the Town hall was used as a place of mass prayer. The National Rail and London Underground Stations include Walthamstow Central Underground and National Rail station, Blackhorse Road Underground and National Rail station, Walthamstow Queens Road, Wood Street, Highams Park and St James Street. The biggest would be the Walthamstow Central Underground and National Rail station which is, as the name states, in the central of the town. It is located near the location of the main bus stations that go around the whole town and near the Selborne Walk Mall. This makes it quite an efficient place as people can travel throughout the town simply after arriving at the station. The station in particular is located on the East end of the Victoria Line, being the last stop. The bus services are also quite complex. There exists a full infrastructure Hopper Service and a multi point-to-point network which is serviced to and from the main bus terminal in Walthamstow Central to a cross network passing through the centre and the outskirts. The five pieces of technology I will be investigating, assessing and evaluating will be the following: * Oyster-card/Travel system * Librarian system * ATM machines * Waltham Forest Council website * CCTV/Metropolitan website Oyster card/Travel system The Oyster card system is a system that functions throughout all of London, within the Tube and Bus services. It is a form of electronic ticketing which uses a database system to track travel information, linking it back to the owner of the corresponding oyster card, and charges them to the appropriate degree for the travelling expenses of the services they used. Oyster cards generally need to be topped-up to be used and works similar in this function to a debit card. The following travel systems incorporate the Oyster card: London Underground, buses, the Docklands Light Railway, London Overground, trams, certain river boat services and the majority of National Rail Services within the London Fare Zones. The Oyster card generally appears as the blue card seen above. It can be used as a single-ticket, period tickets and travel permit. It is also integrated with a Smart card system which uses certain data in the Oyster card to be able to, without using contact, be detected by Oyster card machines. Buses and train platforms use Oyster card machines to scan the card. Once the beep is identified, the person is let through. However, there are also different versions of Oyster cards which also come with different prices and a different appearance. For example, the card to the right is an example of an 11-15 age group Oyster Card and is what all Oyster card holders in that age period hold. In this card, a photographic identification is needed. How the Oyster card and London travel system meets the communitys needs The Oyster card is a small, portable, easy to carry card that carries on it the data of all your travelling expenses and money stored on the Oyster card system. Not only this, but it also holds the advantage over tickets of being cheaper and providing discounts, with buses being completely free for 11-15 year olds. All of these provide the incentive to switch from the out-dated ticket method to the modernised Oyster card system. What this does for the community is provides them with a much more efficient and cheaper system. An oyster card can be topped up to a maximum of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½90. This would be equal to about 45 single tickets but the oyster card is capable of carrying this all in one simple card that stores data inside it. People can be much more organised with this system and save a lot of money in the long run. They can keep track of their travels and how much they are spending. Its portability is another thing that is extremely valuable to people who use the Oyster card system. People dont need to go and purchase a ticket and sort it all out. All they need to do is get their oyster card, tap it on the system and their travelling business is sorted! It makes travelling using public services much more simple for anyone using it. The smart card feature instils a small bit of data into the card, meaning that its data can be detected with the oyster card readers the government installs. People dont have to take their oyster card out of their wallets as the card reader can detect the card through wallets. This makes things easier, especially in crowded buses. The hassle of taking everything out, locating the card and removing it can overcomplicate things and waste time. The smart card feature takes away this long process and gives people the ability to simply tap and move on. The travel system incorporates a countdown system on trains and buses to allow people to approximately see when the bus/train will arrive, whether itd be late, early or on time. People can use this to know when to be present at the station so they can have time to do other things and know when to be back at the station. This gives people the chance to spend their time wisely instead of waiting at a station not knowing how long left to wait and not wanting to miss the train or bus, either. The countdown system on the train is more accurate as its all computerised but on buses, most of them are used via a time schedule on paper. The countdown system essentially allows people to organise their time, plan out much more thoroughly their journey and avoid being late to appointments. Theres a site created by the government that goes along with the travel system called Transport for London, accessed from This site has information about everything regarding the oyster card system, the train system and in general, any public transport facility in all of London. But other than information, it also has a travel planner allowing you to plan a journey, avoiding any problems such as closed lines or to be aware of any accidents that have currently took place. This allows you to plan a safe, fast journey with no obstacles delaying you. This helps people to be punctual on their journey. The site also allows you to log on and view your information. Using this, you can check the money on your Oyster Card and top it up using a credit card. This means that you can pre-plan your journey to make sure you have enough money preventing any problems when travelling. You can also find other information on the site regarding oyster cards, e.g. losing the card, replacing the card, benefits and many more. Buses have the ability to be manually stopped at certain stops but also have the choice to go past the stops. This means that unnecessary stops where no one needs to get off or no one needs to get on can be skipped thus saving time and allowing people to get to their desired destination faster. People can plan where they want to stop or skip the stop if need be. There is also the emergency stop which stops at any location in case something dangerous happens. This allows people to get off the bus in case of a casualty of some sort. As mentioned in the countdown system, buses have quite a strict schedule they need to follow. The schedules are all listed in each bus stop or on the site so people know when a certain bus will arrive. This can be more useful than the countdown system as the schedules stay the same every day. This means that people can plan their journey right to the dot and get to the station right when the bus arrives. People know when exactly to arrive, so they arent too early or too late. This saves them time. Summary * While not completely necessary to use public transport in Waltham Forest, it provides the incentive of discounted use of trains and buses, with buses being completely free with an 11-15 Oyster card * Easy to carry and easy to handle on buses and trains * Smart card feature allows a much easier contact/purchase of transport service, only needing a touch of the Oyster card and nothing more * Countdown system in buses and trains give people a lot more preparation and organisation to their daily schedule * Transport system has its own website-Transport for London-that displays all kinds of information and latest news regarding the transport system * Buses can be manually stopped and requested to stop at certain stops and if no requests are made, no stops happen thus saving time and helping people get where they want to faster * Buses all follow a strict schedule so people know when to expect a bus to arrive and at exactly what minute of the hour How it fails to meet the communitys needs A lot of times, you naturally assume that the bus will stop. However, if there is no one needing to be picked up or no one who has pressed the button to stop the bus, then the bus would simply carry on. This can cause a lot of people to be late due to carelessness which happens quite a lot. People have to stay alert when their stops are coming by otherwise the bus might simply pass it before they realise. Oyster cards are small and can be lost quite easily. They also cost quite a bit to replace and take up to a week for a new one to arrive. This can put a halt to travelling plans or force you to spend extra on buying tickets. Oyster cards, when lost or stolen, can still be used unless reported stolen. As a lot of buses or trains dont generally check if the ID/photograph matches, someone can easily just use your oyster card for their own travelling needs and use up your own money supplies topped up on the oyster card. While buses have a schedule, they can ruin it by coming late. This can be due to an emergency, an accident or just simple traffic. They can also come early causing some people to miss the bus and theyd have to wait for the next one. This can cause a few problems for people in terms of punctuality. Summary * Manual stops cause you to miss yours and ruin your schedule * Oyster cards cost a lot of money to replace and are quite easy to lose * Oyster cards can easily be used by a thief using your own money without being detected * Buses can ruin schedules by coming late due to an accident of sorts Conclusion The Oyster card/travelling system is extremely useful for a citizen in London. Its an extremely advantageous system to have and people benefit tremendously. It saves a lot of money for people in contrast to the previous ticket system and makes peoples travel much more organised and safe. People can premeditate their plans and journeys and plan through any foreseeable interruptions. The community find it much more beneficial in terms of arriving on time. Walthamstow Library/Librarian system A library is essentially a building or room containing books, periodicals and occasionally DVDs or CDs ranging from music to movies for people to loan for a period of time. It can also be a place to study, access computers, access a WiFi connection and lots more, depending on the library. The library in Walthamstow is called the Walthamstow Library. It is located on the Walthamstow High Street, one of the biggest high streets in the country. This means it is easily accessible to a large range of people as the high street is linked to a lot of transport facilities. Its area is extremely efficient as it can take advantage of the large amount of shoppers and shops in the area. It is open every day apart from Thursdays and Fridays. As well as providing the usual functions a library would, it also provides events to kids and even adults in the area such as specialty classes (computer, reading etc.). But the most beneficial thing a library provides to its community would be the loaning of books, DVDs and other such things which is essentially controlled by the librarian system. The library system in Walthamstow also connects with the library systems in other towns in London. They all share one database. Having worked in Leytonstone Library, I had access and in-depth experience to how exactly the librarian system works in the community. The library system works in correspondence with a library card which links to a database called OpenGalaxy. This database contains information of all the people who signed up to any of the libraries in all of London, unless they use another database. It also contains information of all the books in London that have been sent to the library. These books are then linked to each person in the database when they either loan or return it. The library can easily track each book and who it is currently loaned to using this system. How Walthamstow Library and the Librarian system meets the communitys needs The OpenGalaxy system essentially allows anyone, as long as they have simply signed up for a free library card, to loan a book, CD or DVD. Books are free to loan and CDs and DVDs come at a small charge. This allows people who cant afford to buy such things to simply borrow them and give them back. People have free or cheap access to things they usually would have to pay for. People of all kinds are allowed to enjoy books due to the library. People can use this system to reserve books from libraries not just in their local one, i.e. Newham Library and such as the system is connected between all the branches. This means that it is much easier to track a book you might not be able to find elsewhere as there is a large source in which you are searching in. People can also have internet access via laptops due to the public WiFi connection in the library. People who dont usually have access to such privilege can do so via the library. They can do all sorts of things to the internet e.g. research, study or even play games. There is also a quiet room where these people can go so they wont be disturbed in any way. People can find a place to go to where they can focus and not be distracted. The library also gives people free access to computers as long as they have a library card. People are given the chance to work on these computers if they dont have one themselves and its all a free service. This means that people who cant maintain their own computer or internet are given the chance to via a library. The library becomes an important place for people like this. The library also offers children/adult sessions on various things like singing groups, computer classes etc. These can be extremely helpful for busy parents who can simply leave their children here where they would be looked after and socialise with other kids. Adult sessions also mean that uneducated people can be taught how to do certain things that are necessary in this modern age e.g. use a computer which is an essential skill to keep up with the fast modernisation of the world. People who dont have access to a printer or photocopier at home can use the library. This means that people save money on not having to purchase their own printer and photocopier as they can simply use the library. People can print out work or photocopy posters and such using the library. Summary * People can loan a large variety of books, CDs and DVDs * People can use this system to reserve books not limited to their local branch * People can use the library to connect to WiFi * People can use the computers free of charge as long as they have a library card * People can use the quiet room to study in the library * People can take advantage of the librarys children or adult sessions * People can take advantage of the photocopying/printing privileges How it fails to meet the communitys needs The library has a minimal amount of faults as they are a funded public service to the community and do well in serving and providing to the general public. However, there are a few. For example, a library card has your library identity in it. If it gets lost or stolen and goes unreported, people can take books and not return them all under your name, thus giving you the blame. Also, the library card is extremely harsh with overdue books. If a book goes overdue, you have to pay a large fine or you cannot use the loaning system any longer. This fee soon increases if you dont pay and eventually becomes impossible to pay for some people as they would either refuse or just not bother with such a high amount. People would also have to pay an exaggerated amount if they lose the book. This can be a problem to people who cannot afford to simply pay this money, stopping them from loaning any more books. Summary * Library cards can be easily lost or stolen and used to steal books under your name * Pay a large fine for books you have lost or not returned within the due date Conclusion The library is a place with many uses and helps the needy who cant afford their own resources. It is an extremely valuable asset to the community as it provides a place to gain knowledge, finish work and study in peace. ATM machines ATM machines, also known as the automated teller machines, are public and easily accessible machines that give you the ability to access your bank account without the need of going to a banker, cashier or any kind of human interaction. They generally work via a pin number and an insertion of the credit card into the ATM. It then displays your credit card credentials, balance and gives you the option to withdraw and deposit your desired amount. How ATM machines meet the communitys needs With the ATM machine, people save the time by not having to go to a bank and wait in a long queue. An ATM machine simply does all these things for you. You can check your balance and withdraw plus deposit money. Its a very efficient method of transferring money from your bank account. Its a quick, fast and simple method to use. The ATM machine has easy instructions to follow to use it so even the most novice person can use it just by following the instructions given. You simply have to enter your credit card, pin number and then the action you want to take. This makes it easy for a lot of people to transfer money and saves a lot of time. Its located in a lot of ideal and efficient areas, such as outside a supermarket. This allows people to use them when theyre in a dire need of money without having to do something elongated such as going to a bank to withdraw a simple amount of money. If you forget some money you need, you can simply go to one of the easily accessible ATMs which are located in a wide area. This saves people a lot of hassle. The ATM machine can print receipts so if there are any errors due to a technical difficulty, you have proof that the transfer did take place. This saves a lot of problems that occur with the ATM machine and allows the transfer to be much more secure. If people stole your credit card, they could just take it to an ATM machine; steal all the money, leave the credit card and run away. The need of a pin number, which should only be known by the owner of the card, prevents this. A lot of credit card fraud is negated this way. Summary * Negates the need of the prolonged method of going to a banker * Quick, fast and simple to use * Located in a lot of areas allowing you to withdraw money in a large variety of places * Allows you to get money out when you most need it, meaning you dont have to carry large amounts of money wherever you go and put yourself at risk * Printable receipts so you can have proof of withdrawal or deposit in-case a problem occurs * Need of pin number prevents a lot of fraud How it fails to meet the communitys needs However, credit card fraud still takes place even with the need of a pin. It is easy to peek over and see what exactly the pin number is. This can also work with fake ATM machines to steal a lot of money from people. ATM machines are located in a lot of different places so itd be hard to tell if an ATM machine is fake or real. People can easily be taken advantage of in this way. Con artists can place ATM machines and use it to steal or copy a credit card and take a pin number and use it to steal lots of money from the credit card. People can easily be stolen from in this way. People are also easy targets to being mugged. If you are seen coming from an ATM machine, people assume you are carrying a mystery amount of money on you. This puts you as an ideal target for thieves who see you coming from an ATM machine. Thats why it is very dangerous to use one in a secluded area. The efficient, easy use of an ATM machine to withdraw cash can also be a big downside. With the ease of money transfer which is supposed to be securely stored, it might tempt you to withdraw too much for personal needs. ATM machines are strategically located outside casinos so when people gamble, they might be tempted to withdraw more money, especially with how easy it would be. Summary * Easy to fraud despite the need for a pin * Fake ATM machines placed in random locations by thieves and con artists might be used * Easy target for theft if seen coming from an ATM machine * Can tempt you to spend too much, especially if placed outside something such as a casino Conclusion ATM machines can be seen as being essential to a community as they allow the community to transfer money much faster and stops banks from being overcrowded. However, a lot of ATM machines in unsecure locations may put you at the risk of credit card fraud. So, while using them might be useful in terms of saving time and practicality, you are also put at the risk of being a target of criminals. Waltham Forest Council website The Waltham Forest council website is an extremely useful website that can easily be accessed from any computer, as long as they have internet. It provides help with living in the community and information regarding lots of things, such as education, jobs, leisure, information on services in the community e.g. timetables, open dates, events, and many more. People can access a feature called My services where they can do many things such as apply for housing, jobs, parking permits etc. to paying council tax and checking business rates and paying off parking fines. It provides a lot for this community and supports the whole communitys needs in lots of different ways. How the Walthamstow Forest Council website meets the communitys needs The vast amount of information which the site holds involving the borough is staggering. Anything you need to know is located on this site. You can learn about events, shops, clubs, schools and many more. People can use the site to find out all they want about the area they live in. People have access via this site to do things related to fines, taxes and other such things. This means that people wont have to get out of their house to do such things. It can all be paid via the website. This is extremely efficient and saves the community a lot of time. People can use the site to find any vacancies in the area in different areas of the job market. They can have up to date information on when a vacancy opens and do all they can to try and find a job, whether it be part time or full time. This is extremely useful to the large amount of unemployed who can simply find any open jobs using this site without having to go to job centres and such. Parents can look up education and find the best schools to go to in the area for their children using the site. They can find which school would fit their exact location and needs. This is extremely useful and helpful to children as parents can choose which school would suit their child best. You can find any current events or news that happen in the borough via the site. You can keep up to date with anything that happens. This beats the need for newspapers and makes sure people dont miss any community events. Summary * A large amount of information pertaining to the borough * Access to services and ability to do things such as pay fines and taxes which saves time doing it in real life * Find jobs in your area * Look up schools in your area * Find out any current events happening in the borough How it fails to meet the communitys needs The website does not necessarily have any disadvantages. But it does need an internet access which a lot of people still dont have or know how to use. Summary * Needs internet access Conclusion People, living in not just Walthamstow, but the whole of Waltham Forest benefit greatly from this site. They can keep up to date with their lives and know everything going on in the surrounding area. They can find out about jobs, education and other important factors of life. CCTV/Metropolitan website The CCTV system and the metropolitan website both work in keeping finding and keeping crime off the streets. CCTV, which stands for closed circuit television, is a system which uses video cameras to monitor a certain location which happens by sending the footage to the corresponding office it is connected to where it is viewed by the security of that particular place. For example, they could be cameras showing footage of a school, a supermarket or any other office environments. CCTV is generally used for surveillance. They are generally in places where there are risks of crime taking place. The metropolitan site is used to help capture crimes not seen by CCTV cameras or lacking evidence. People can report crimes and also stay confidential. This can allow people to supposedly snitch without the fear of being caught for snitching. How CCTV and the Metropolitan website meets the communitys needs When a criminal sees that a CCTV is in the area, they think twice about committing a crime. This is the first step CCTVs do in reducing crime. The fear of being caught on camera stops the crime from happening in the first place. If a crime is captured, then it can be used as evidence in a court case. It can be shown to prove that a person did commit a crime and help put the criminals behind a bar. This makes the community much safer not only knowing that CCTV would capture the crime if it took place but also that the criminal is locked up behind bars. The method of sending the video feed captured on a video camera back to where its being monitored is quite efficient in that its effective and fast at sending the information back. This makes it easier to capture criminals as the system works in a speedy way. Places such as schools where kids are most vulnerable are kept safe. If a stranger appears or something extremely dangerous happens, CCTV can be used to find the culprit. Dangerous people such as child molesters are found and arrested making school safer and making the kids feel much more secure being in school. The most effective use of the CCTV is that it can be placed in a large variety of places, watching crime from even the most dangerous areas. This allows it to be able to reduce crime no matter where it takes place. The metropolitan website aims to make London a much safer place. This provides reassurance in the community and they have access to a lot of the resources located in the site. People are able to confide in crimes while keeping their identity a secret. This stops people from being scared of being caught for snitching which can provide harsh consequences for the snitch in relation with his friends. The anonymity provides reassurance and a sense of security. Summary * The simple presence of CCTV deters criminals * If it captures a crime, it can be used as evidence * Efficient method of sending camera feed to the corresponding connection where it is being monitored * Keeps places such as schools safe * Can be placed wherever it needs to be * The website aims to keep London safe * Allows people to confide in crimes theyve witnessed while staying anonymous * Provides reassurance to people who are having from witnessing a crime How it fails to meet the communitys needs However, people do complain that CCTV makes for a lack of privacy for people. People feel that it invades what should be personal space. It is also quite expensive and advanced to set up as a whole. The CCTV system requires skill and knowledge of ICT to be able to set up properly and also a lot of money. Summary * Invasion of privacy * Expensive to set up * Can be quite advanced to set up Conclusion Overall, CCTV and the Metropolitan website work extremely well in keeping London secure and crime free. People are less worried about crime wherever they go and it adds an assurance to people knowing they are being protected.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Constant growing attempts have been made spread awareness among the people for the cause of umbilical cord blood banking. Stem cells derived from umbilical cord have proved to be a boon to mankind. Earlier stem cells were only used to provide some low cost effective treatment to diabetes, stroke and some kind of blindness. But no doubt about it that today we are on the edge of having a major breakthrough with these cells which will get stem cells the credit they deserve. Although it is true that the spread of awareness among people has paid off and the preservation of umbilical cord blood is gaining momentum. Now cord blood bank is a place where cord blood can be kept for the future use. The cord blood banking involves three simple steps. These steps are collection, processing and storage. Collection is a process in which the umbilical blood is collected and can be done within 5 minutes after the birth of the child. Umbilical cord is clamped and cut and is attached to a special bar coded bag. This bag is kept at a lower level than the cord so the blood drains out in the bag.   After collection its the turn for processing. Processing normally involves checking of blood for various possible viral infections and then separating stem cells from the red blood cells. After processing the umbilical blood is stored in liquid nitrogen tank at a temperature of -196 Celsius. This keeps the blood available for use even after a very long time. The banks which handle all these operations can be generally classified into two categories and they are public and private. While the public cord blood bank is set to be for public use, private banks are set up exclusively for parents who want to keep the umbilical cord blood of their baby to themselves. At present, for every 3 public cord blood banks there is 1 private cord blood bank. The public banks can be used free of cost while the private banks charge the fees of $800-$2000. Most parents do not worry about the amount as it can be considered as the cover for medical insurance against so many fatal diseases. The only good thing about the private banks are that with the donation to private banks comes the guarantee of availability, while in public banks the usage of cord blood is subjected to availability. It is due to private banks only that this noble cause of donation is turning into a kind of business that requires investment. That is why medical community strongly supports public banks and not the private banks. The use of public banks widens the number of beneficiaries from medical advances. The government is also spending heavily on the research and storage of stem cells. Recently the Indian government granted Rs 5 crores to a Mumbai based institution to upgrade its stem cell research facility. Also a large number of banks are being set up nationwide to facilitate the process and to spread awareness among the masses.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Media and Body Image :: Media Argumentative Persuasive Argument

The Media and Body Image    Abstract    This research examined the media and how it affects fitness and body image. This was assessed by collecting data from surveys taken by three groups of ten high school students, five of each sex.   Two of the three groups were exposed to different media packages, one depicted images of unnaturally thin individuals, the other depicted athletic figures, while the third group was exposed to no prior data.   The results indicate the students attitudes towards social fitness views and self-acceptance.   It was my hypothesis that a correlation between media and the fitness concept will be found but the idea of a personal body image will remain fixed as body image is a determined part of one's psyche.   A significant correlation was discovered between those who viewed the thin package and their attitudes on social fitness.   However a low score in the self- acceptance scale in all three groups suggests a low self-concept within all participants.   This supports my statement that there would be a connection between the fitness concept and the media packages as well as a constant self- concept maintained by all participants.    In assessing personal attitudes it is often important to measure not only what an individual feels towards others but also his/herself.   Prior research indicates this is especially important when measuring attitudes towards physical issues. It has been found that opposing views may be held simultaneously by individuals in regards to themselves and others.   Also concern for how a response will reflect upon his/herself may negate an individual expressing his or her true attitudes.   This research sought to assess the attitudes of high school students towards fitness and body image in the presence of different physical media icons.   By monitoring the individuals response to both a third person scale and a personal scale, true attitudes can be assumed.   In this study, the different groups were the independent variable, here in described as Group A, those exposed to the thin images, Group B, those exposed to athletic images, and Group C, those exposed to no images or the control group, whereas the groups score was the dependent variable.   The surveys were distributed to thirty students, ten in each group, five of each sex.   The dependent variable, in the Social Fitness Attitudes Scale, reflects the individuals attitude towards fitness in society and in a dating atmosphere.   The higher the individuals score the more they are influenced by society, with a score of 46 being the accepted indication of society influence.   In the Self Acceptance Scale, the lower the individuals score the lower their self concept with scores between 36-110

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rock and Roll Essay -- Music, Elvis Presley

What comes to mind when you think about Rock and Roll? Is it the pulsating rhythms, and upbeat tempo that seemingly sooth the mind? What many don’t realize is this phenomenon was started by a single man that combined various elements he loved. This man, Elvis Presley, not only created Rock and Roll but a new era of attitude and personality which people perceived as they watched him perform. Elvis Aaron Presley, one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century, started a new clothing style for his generation, influenced a new era of dance, and most notably introduced Rock and Roll to the world. Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi into a loving but poor family (Tracy 1). From the young age of 7, Elvis showed a passion for music. He was introduced to music in the family’s Assembly of God church where the southern gospel music became an important influence on his success. When Elvis’ mother Gladys acquired enough money, she bought him his first guitar, he then taught himself to play and in October 1945, he had his first taste of success in music by placing in the town fair talent contest (â€Å"Famous Quotes†. After graduating high school in 1953, he worked various jobs while still pursuing his musical career. Later in 1953, he walked into Sun Studios where he paid four dollars to record his first record. Upon hearing Elvis’ recording, Sam Philips decided to take him under his wing and then became his record label owner (â€Å"Elvis Presley†). In 1954, he produced his first single â€Å"That’s all Right.† From then unt il his death he became the biggest phenomenon ever in the world of entertainment (Morrison 1). From the start of Elvis’ career, he was in the center of the spotlight but before his career even started his appe... ...ers of his time. Elvis is known as the leading artist in R & B, gospel, and American country (â€Å"Elvis Presley†). He has sold over a billion records, more than any other artist known to man. He was one of the first performers ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986 (Brewster 1). Elvis loved performing live concerts â€Å"A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and onstage,† it’s his favorite part of his business (â€Å"Famous Quotes† 1). Even today he still remains a legendary music icon for popularizing and creating the start of Rock and Roll (Brewster 1). It is impossible to think of a Rock and Roll star who doesn’t owe a debt to Elvis Presley (Ebsco). Today he is still known as the starter of Rock and Roll, and is the most successful recording artist in terms of hit songs and hit albums still today.